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Discover Kalm Kids

Our organisation exists to help children and their educators to overcome childhood anxiety.

About Us

Based in Brisbane, Kalm Kids is a children’s Wellbeing Program that teaches children strategies so that they can feel calm, confident and resilient.

There is increasing emphasis in the media on the rising levels of stress, anxiety, attention deficit, eating disorders and behavioural issues that are affecting children today.

Providing a Wellbeing Program to reduce childhood anxiety is now more important than ever.

Created by Primary School Teacher Leanne Jones and her partner Brett, a qualified counsellor, Kalm Kids draws upon a variety of contemporary early childhood development theories to help children trust their instincts, improve their emotional expression and build self-esteem.

Students are given the opportunity to express and share their feelings with the group as part of their nine-week Kalm Kids program. To overcome their issues with childhood anxiety, they work on breathing, visualisation and gratitude, while exploring the concepts of self-love, compassion, perspective and inner strength.

Sessions are held in the evening and are suitable for children from age 5 to 18. Book a call to find out if Kalm Kids is right for your child, then enrol to learn in person or online.

Overcoming Childhood Anxiety

Why Choose Kalm Kids?

Qualified Educators

Kalm Kids is operated by qualified and experienced primary school teacher Leanne Jones.

Tailored For School-age Children

Learning is focused on helping school-age children to understand what anxiety is, then build resilience and self-confidence.

Friendly, Non-judgemental Sessions

We encourage a totally supportive and encouraging environment in every session, whether it is in-person or online.

Small Classes

Children learn to overcome nerves and anxiety in a group of nine students of similar ages.


We have kept class costs as low as possible so your child can benefit from our wellbeing sessions.

Unique Training

Few services exist to help overcome childhood anxiety in Australia. We are proud to offer a purpose-made solution.

Our Story

Kalm Kids was created by qualified Primary School teacher Leanne Jones.

I had always been someone who worried. I worried about what other people would think of me and about what I had done or said. I would wake up in the middle of the night and stress about some unknown outcome that may or may not happen. I was unable to stop the thoughts so I was always tired. This in turn added more stress and worry to my life.

Constantly worrying was affecting my life, my health, my work and even my relationships. I spent so much time up in my head that life was passing me by.

Fortunately, I came across a course called From People Pleaser to Soul Pleaser, from Tracy Secombe. Tracy helped me to be present and stop being so concerned about what others think.

It didn’t take long to see the benefits but as I began to transform, I realised that many children are similar to me.

Children worry daily about what others think of them. They worry about assessment and how well they are doing in comparison to the child sitting beside them. Childhood anxiety leads to stress and student well-being needs to be a priority in our society.

This triggered my evolution to operate Kalm Kids, a service for children aged 5 to 18. Initially based in Brisbane, we now help students around Australia, online.

The impact was instantaneous. My students began noticing things that they hadn’t noticed before. They began to appreciate the other children around them and could see qualities in others that they hadn’t seen before. The most surprising thing for me was the children’s desire to keep the practice going. During the lessons, they lit up, completely consumed and completely focused. And the results spilled over into their daily lives. They reported that they were more focused during class times and calmer and in more control in the playground.

The core of what I teach is that if we turn up and be the best we can be, that is enough. I would love to share my strategies for overcoming childhood anxiety with your child.

Book a call with me to find out more.


Self-love, compassion through understanding and listening to others, deep breathing and gratitude to name just a few.